Rieger Metallveredlung Blog - Pensioners get-together - CEO Franz Rieger with current and former emplyoees of Rieger Metallveredlung
15.03.2024 - News

Our pensioners' get-together

A meeting place for memories and knowledge transfer

We would like to give you a little insight into this year's Pensioners' Get-Together. It is a special occasion where we continue to welcome our long-serving employees into our community even after they have retired. The pensioners' get-together is a place for sharing, memories and laughter. Together we celebrate the valuable time we have spent together.

The pensioners get-together has a special meaning for us. It is a place where experiences are exchanged, memories shared and new friendships made. Because although our pensioners no longer work actively in the company, they still remain connected to us. And we want to maintain this connection and continue to benefit from their valuable knowledge.

What makes the get-together so unique? The answer lies in the invaluable experience of our pensioners. They bring with them a wealth of experience that has been built up over decades. This experience is priceless and we don't want to lose it. Instead, we use the pensioners' get-together as a platform for knowledge transfer and collaboration across generations.

The exchange between our former and active employees is invaluable. The retirees can share their experience and expertise with the younger generation and thus contribute to the further development of the company. On the other hand, the pensioners themselves also benefit from the new ideas and perspectives of the younger generation.

The pensioners' get-together is therefore not just a celebration of past success, but also a place where the future is shaped. It is a bridge between past and present that helps us to maintain our operational continuity and prepare for the challenges ahead.

This year's pensioners' get-together was a complete success. It was wonderful to see our former colleagues again, refresh our memories and share new stories. The get-together is proof that our community exists beyond our working lives and that together we can help to ensure that our corporate culture lives on.

With this in mind, we look forward to the next pensioners' get-together and to further cooperation between the generations. Because together we are strong and can shape the future.