Rieger Metallveredlung Blog - The art of polishing – Polishing of a metal part
17.06.2024 - Blog

The art of polishing

The multifaceted importance of metal finishing

Polishing is one of the most important steps in the metalworking industry. Polishing gives workpieces a more even and smoother surface, making them ideal for further finishing processes. For us, polishing is not just a simple step in the process, but an art that forms the basis for high-quality surface finishes.

When it comes to preparing workpieces for further surface treatments such as chrome or nickel plating, polishing is at the heart of our work. Through careful polishing, we remove irregularities and create smooth, flawless surfaces that significantly influence the quality of your end products. Polishing is not just about achieving a smooth surface, but also about removing defects such as scratches or signs of wear. This is the only way we can ensure that the workpieces receive the best possible surface finish.

By polishing using specific coating processes, we achieve a perfectly even and smooth surface that allows your products to shine in all their glory. We offer our customers a comprehensive service from a single source. From preparation and polishing to the final surface finish, you can rely on our expertise and precision.