The high-gloss finishing process

Polished chrome

Chrome is one of the transition metals and cannot be found naturally in its purest form. That's why it is mined as chromite or chrome iron ore. Chrome is a corrosion and tarnish-resistant metal with a high degree of hardness. Its properties and blue shimmering sheen make it a popular surface in the automotive sector as well as in the furniture industry and many other sectors of industry. It is normally used here for decoration or as an eye-catching feature

Procedure at a glance

Chrome plating

By using insoluble anodes and high current densities, it is possible to deposit chromium layers in modified solutions containing chromic acid. In layer thicknesses of less than 1μm, the chrome layers maintain the gloss level of the nickel layers usually used underneath. In principle, almost all common metallic materials, including aluminum and its alloys, can be bright chrome-plated. The underlying layers must be selected depending on the required conditions. We only use a 3-value chrome plating.

at a glance


Steel-blue, durable gloss (gloss level depends on the underlying layer)
Good corrosion resistance (depending on the sub-layers)
Low static friction